
Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I made it!  I am back from my international travels to Australia and I had a FANTASTIC time!!  I never thought I would like traveling as much as I did.  I was so apprehensive about the plane ride...It was a bit nerve-racking but all in all it really was not that bad.  Our flight was smooth and we were able to sleep for some of the long 14 hour trip.  The whole experience was very positive!  WE started out flying into Sydney and then hopped on a plane to Brisbane.  We had a race there we were going to work.  the first day we got in rather early so we had the whole day to walk around, do a little shopping and just take in the city.

Brisbane from the plane...the beaches look amazing.

The Treasury Hotel and Casino.  Where we stayed in Brisbane.  Very cool place

This is the Treasury Hotel.  The hotel is actually across the street from the Casino.  The weather was fantastic.  It is spring there now.

Our booth for the Brisbane Jamboree Race.

While we were in Brisbane we found this very cute, very good food cafe.  It served my new favorite coffee, Flat White.  It is a Aussie drink I'm told.  

After the race we flew back to Sydney and were on our VERY short vacation part of the trip.  36 hours to take in the city.  We stayed at the casino in downtown sydney which was FANTASTIC.  Beautiful rooms, Beautiful views and great food!

Beautiful Rooms

A tub big enough for 2 in our room!  :)

Dinner our first night in Sydney at Black

Downtown Sydney.  We really could not have asked for weather wether for our trip.  It was sunny and 75 each day!

Walking the Pedestrian bridge

 Harry on the bridge

On our way to Starbucks in Sydney.  Yes, they had my Starbucks, and yes, it was way different than here in the states!  But it was still good!

After a day of shopping!  Sydney has TONs and tons of great shopping.  Including UGG Boots and gorgeous opal jewelry !

The view from our table at Peter Doyle's Restaurant.

A tasty version of my Raspberry lemon drop martini.  They didn't get it quite right, but what they did still tasted great!

Another amazing restaurant with the love of my life!

Dinner at an amazing restraint with a gorgeous view of the opera house.

Our last day in Sydney.  We leave tonight for our 14 hour plane ride home.

One last picture of the Sydney Opera House.  I can't get enough of that pace and can't wait to go there on our next trip!

Hello San Francisco USA!!  I loved our trip but its always nice to be home!

One of the best things about this trip??  I finally got a stamp in my passport!  This is huge!  Now if you had asked me 10 years ago if I ever thought I would travel out of the country, let alone travel 14 hours on a plane to Sydney Australia, I would have said "No Way!"  but here I am with my first international trip behind me, now only memories that live in my mind of a trip of a lifetime.  I wouldn't trade it for the world!  

I loved every minute of it.  And Yes!  I would do it again!

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